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01.03.007 published on 6 Comments on 01.03.007


Toccata & Fugue in D Minor BWV 656 – Johann Sebastian Bach

Little babby Cael seems to be getting over his bout of stage fright…just in time for what will no doubt be some very happy events to come X)

The Instructor’s speech about the Fugue (it’s meant to be the instructor speaking…voice-over is hard to convey with comics, lol) serves as the framework for our chapter, which will reveal itself as time continues. I’d actually intended this update to be much longer, but the coming weeks are going to be VERY VERY busy for me and so I decided to divide the pages into two sections so I can keep the update schedule consistent :D Plus who doesn’t like a cliffhanger, amirite?

Probably a lot of people are familiar with Toccata and Fugue in D Minor…well, the Toccata part at least, but I actually like the Fugue much better. I learned to play it (badly) recently and was struck by how my hands were doing two different things but creating a melody totally separate of those parts when combined XD I’m new to playing music, so it was really cool for me, haha. And I know, it’s ANOTHER Bach piece…his spectre continues to haunt leveL, tho it doesn’t seem to be the only one…

Apart from the pages, I FINALLY updated our Cast Page with inclusion of everyone’s favorite latent sociopath, Emory!

CTNX is in two weeks,…like I said a couple weeks ago, anyone in the SoCal area the weekend of 11/21/14 should stop by Burbank and say HI! I will have books, prints, and a couple of extra goodies, plus I would love love LOVE to meet some readers in person! I’ve never done any sort of Con before, sooooo I’m excited to see what it’s like! Please say hi and be gentle!

Apart from that, our next update will be 11/20/14…the day before CTN, ahahah, so it’s gonna be one heck of a weekend! And all just before my birthday as well!

Until then, don’t forget to leave some comment love! <3


Ooooooooooooo this is SO GOOD! <3 There's just so much to say!

Ahhhh I was so excited to see today's update. You've done such a wonderful job!
The lighting and colours and mood and aaaah just aaaaaaah. You are a true inspiration, good sir! I also
love the music that's being played. Very nice choice!

I especially love when bby Cael's hair flipped back up after his mommy fluffed it back down! And is that past Wryn I see in the previous page, huehueh?

While reading this I couldn't help but think back about what Reagan had said, stating "It's a miracle she (his mom) didn't terminated the pregnancy".
It almost broke my heart a little because you can clearly see she does care and love Cael a lot. (at least from what we've seen so far *pondering*)
I'm also generating a bit of a bad vibe coming from that 'clapping' sound. Is it from the audience? Is it in Cael's mind…??? *spoopy fingers* I'm so darn excited
to find out, oh my gosh! The cliffhanger is eating meeee!

Ahem, excuse my ramblings. But over all I'm just as stoked as ever to see how things play out! I hope you're doing well with everything and don't stress yourself
out so much with all that amazing work you're doing! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advanced! I hope you have all the cake and goodies you like!

See you next update! <3 Godspeed!

mwahahaha, thank yooooou! I’m glad you caught the hair flipping back up, I wasn’t sure if that would get lost X)

Yeah those two have an interesting relationship…I’m excited to show more of it as the comic goes on.

Thank you for the bday wishes, I hope you enjoy all the updates to come! <3 <3 <3

I love that descriptive writing you used to describe the music. Even though this is just a fictional comic and all, It really captures the beauty of music as delicate and refined as the piano in general imo. Can’t wait for the next part!

:D That’s such an original and beautiful description of a fugue, I kind of want to go play now. Ah yes, the audience is gearing up for a triumphant slow clap, everything’s fine, no need to worry. And good luck prepping for the Expo!

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