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01.02.33 published on 5 Comments on 01.02.33

“Oi, what gives?”

Yaaaaay, back with three new pages! This update concludes the Alleyway Sequence, and I’m super excited to be moving forward to new a less dank places X) Plus we get to see crazy holo-infused weapons, and that’s always fun :3

Bewyond the new pages, I’m starting some work on a website overhaul that will hopefully see things work a little more cleanly and slick…if there’s anything about the operation of the site that you feel could be improved, now is the time to let me know! :D

Also I have been super busy with traveling the last month or so…lots of fun trips and good times but it’s left my schedule for comic-ing and other projects spread pretty thin. However, it looks like things are gonna slow down and let me focus more on personal projects…with any luck I’ll have more content in the forthcoming updates, hehehe.

Our next scheduled update is 06/12/14, holy bonkers we’re halfway through the year already x_X See you guys then and don’t forget to leave the nate some comment love, he doesn’t bite! <3


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