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01.02.17 published on 13 Comments on 01.02.17

“Drop the gun.”

Dun dun DUNNNNN.  Tensions are mounting this week as Tal gets a little too (un?)friendly.  Originally I’d hoped this to be a 5 page update, but this cliffhanger was just too good to pass up X)

Starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the bokeh light effects…though I think the technique is gonna still require a bit of tweaking…learning and trying new things is good tho!  All in all this sequence is coming out very close to how I pictured it in my head…we’ll see if that remains true tho, as things are about to get a little craaaazy :D

Apart from the update, I mentioned before that I’m going to be doing some light site re-design to help make the whole reading experience a bit more streamlined.  I’ll be adding a landing page with a quick link to the start of the latest update as well as a link to the first page of comic…also trying to figure out a more solidified News section as the current one is pretty much completely lost, lol.  On that note however if you as readers have any feedback for the site or suggestions for improvement now would be a great time to let me know! :D

Also, some good friends have brought Patreon to my attention, and I’m considering setting up an account for leveL…trying to brainstorm what good incentives would be for donators as I think just a little more fan/creator interaction would be a lot of fun X)

OK, that’s about all I’ve got.  Hopefully you enjoyed this week’s pages and are excited for the next round on 03/07/14.  Wow, March already :T   Happy comicing!


I have never minded cliffhangers – hair-pullingly irritating, but done with such panache I can’t help but stand back and admire the effect. Enormously fun!

haha, well hopefully not TOO irritating ;) I’m sure one day I’ll get over using them….eventually… <3

No, a cliff-hanger is a writer’s/in your case comic’s lifeline. It keeps them coming back for more and more but once you leave them with an end they’re satisfied no matter how small, they’ll lose a bit of tension they had. Keep them thinking, keep them grinding for more. “What’s happens next!?” That’s a question, if someone asked me after reading a chapter of my story, would send me into a mood only god could break.

Side note: I consider myself an atheist and yet the belief of the almighty just seems irresistible, must be my weakness to stand alone.

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