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01.03.071 published on 6 Comments on 01.03.071

New Tech! Spy Reagan! City Map!! Quite an update, let’s hope it doesn’t break Cael’s brain too much XD

Update aside, I want to thank everyone who commented last week about the Update Schedule!! It was nice to hear from some new folks, and reassuring to find out people are reading the pages every week! There was a lot more support for the page-a-week update than I expected, and also a common cry to keep a regular schedule no matter what…so I’m gonna do just that! The update schedule will remain as it was, one new page a week no matter what :D In the new year, I might experiment with trying to do multiple pages a week to move the plot along a little faster or end on a cliffhanger…but even if I did that it would remain a consistent once-a-week pace :D

I’m just so happy people are reading an enjoying the comic, lol, and the fun stuff hasn’t even started yet X)

Final Note: After hearing your thoughts, I’ll be adding the original leveL comic as a Patreon reward! Look for an announcement about that soon, and until then happy reading!

<3 Nate

Webcomic CollectionsleveL

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